Another Day in Poe's Kitchen at The Rattlesnake

Chef Brian Poe shows you the world in the back of the house.

Archive for Accolades

And now a few words from the folks at Stuff, Improper & UrbanDaddy

To give out a shout-out for a shout-out:

UrbanDaddy gives four trotters up to our Bloody Mary Eggs Benedict with Bourbon Bacon (which is curing as we speak!)!


Stuff stuffs down our nachos!

And The Improper gives me props by taking me out to dinner! (Check out the current issue at your nearest kiosk and you’ll see what I mean.)

It was my birthday this week—and these are the kinds of gifts that keep on giving.

Aw, shucks, Stuff Magazine

Stuff Magazine‘s Anya Kanevsky gives Poe’s Kitchen at the Rattlesnake some love; if you can’t quite make out the screenshot below, read all about it right here, then come on in and have what she’s having!
